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What is Autoconfig (EBS) ?




AutoConfig is a tool that simplifies and standardizes configuration management tasks in oracle e-business suite.

Application Context file/Configuration file/XML file:

Naming convention is
Where CONTEXT_NAME variable is set to $SID or $SID_<hostname>.
Location is

Creating the context file:
This script will evaluate your environment in order to generate the context file.
Modifying the Application Context File:
  • Using editcontext: - which provides GUI interface.
export DISPLAY=<Domain name>:0.0
cd $COMMON_TOP/util/editcontext

  • Using OAM(Oracle Application Manager) :-[Oracle recommend]
                                  It is user-friendly searchable interface.
                                  In front-end click on sitemap ==> Context File Parameters.

  •  Using a standard text editor (like vi)

Advantages of context file:-

Simplifies overall management of an oracle e-business suite system.
  • Allows easier Startup & Shutdown of the Application services.
  • Name & Location of Database
  • Permits services to be installed or de-installed independently of others.
  • Integrates seamlessly with a shared application tier file system.
  • Enables use of OAM for configuration management.
  • Facilitates support for RAC.
  • Information about application tier services controlled by Autoconfig.

Note: if you modify Context file must be take backup before modifying context file.

Web Listener
Forms Listener
OEM Web Utility
OACORE Servlet Range
Discoverer Server Range
Forms servlet Range

How to check whether the port number is already used or not?
netstat  - a | grep <port number>

Note: /etc/services file on the server with all services that are required ports.

Identifying Nodes with Context Parameters:-

AD utilities will use these parameters to perform tasks such as creating control scripts or maintaining necessary files to support services.
Database node for autoconfig to create control scripts
Admin node                 “
Web server node              “
Forms Node                     “
Concurrent Processing Node           “
Identifies node’s APPL_TOP as being used to support the Oracle Application System
Identifies node’s APPL_TOP as being used to support web services

Location of the Context file:

DB Tier:


Apps Tier:

                   $APPL_TOP/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>.xml       [11i]
                   $INST_TOP/appl/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>.xml      [R12]

AutoConfig Scripts: :- Automatically pass "context_name.xml" file.
               Apps Tier :- $INST_TOP/admin/scripts        ===>R12
                                 $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/<context_name>      ===> 11i
               DB Tier :- $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/<context_name> :- Asks context_name.xml location & call
               Apps Tier :- $AD_TOP/bin
               DB Tier :- $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin :- Calls the Java API to carry out the actual configuration tasks.
               Apps Tier :- $AD_TOP/bin
               DB Tier :- $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin :- This utility generates report difference between existing configuration files and the new ones that autoconfig will generate.
                Apps Tier: $AD_TOP/bin
                DB Tier :-$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin

Autoconfig create directories:

                  $INST_TOP/admin/install                   Install Scripts
                  $INST_TOP/admin/scripts                 Control Scripts
                  $INST_TOP/admin/log                       Log files.

Log file location is


CVM [Context Value Management]:
      It is a Autoconfig component that is used to manages the values of variables in the context file & automatically required updates to it. It supports updates to both Database & Application context files.

CVM Actions:
  • Adding new variables to context file.
  • Updating values of variables in an existing.
  • Applying new versions of context file templates.
  • Executing scripts on configuration tools that must complete before the autoconfig engine starts.
  • CVM starts itself before starting Autoconfig engine.
Apps Tier: 
      $AD_TOP/bin/         ---> Main CVM script
      $AD_TOP/admin/template/adcvmat.xml      ---> Stores CVM related data for apps tier
DB Tier :
       $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/       ---> CVM script
       $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template/adcvmat.xml     ----> store CVM related data for the DB Tier.

Autoconfig Files:
Template files: Evaluates the context variables in a template file, determines the actual values required and creates a configuration file with these values substituted.(is called instantiation)
            Apps Tier: <product_top>/admin/template
            DB Tier : $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template

 Driver files: These are used to list the corresponding template files and locations and specifying the commands to be executed.
                  Apps Tier: <product_top>/admin/driver
                  DB Tier : $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/driver
Each configuration file having one template file ( like httpd_ux.conf ) 
Driver files list the names & locations of the files that need to have context variables replaced( like adtmpl.drv,fndtmpl.drv..).

Phases of AutoConfig:-

INSTE8: Find the location of template and Driver files.
INSTE8_SETUP: update the setup files
INSTE8_PRF: This was profile phase, it will execute scripts that will update the profile values.
INSTE8_APPLY: This was final phase. It will update the Database Objects.

New features of Autoconfig in R12:

There are 2 new options are added. These are introduced from 12.1 onwards.They are 
  1. Profile
  2. Parallel
 Profile :-

[applprod@ravi prod_ravi]$
Enter the APPS user password:
AutoConfig is configuring the Applications environment...

AutoConfig will consider the custom templates if present.
        Using APPL_TOP location     : /apps01/applprod/prodappl
        Classpath                   : /apps01/applprod/prodcomn/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/rt.jar:/apps01/applprod/prodcomn/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04/lib/dt.jar:

        Using Context file          : /apps01/applprod/prodappl/admin/prod_ravi.xml

Context Value Management will now update the Context file

Context Value Management has found new variables that must be defined to update the context file and continue with system configuration

Variable : s_ohs_serveradmin
Details  : This parameter sets the e-mail address that the OHS
           includes in any error messages it returns to the client.
           It may be worth setting up a dedicated address for this purpose.
Enter the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator email address []:

        Updating Context file...COMPLETED

        Attempting upload of Context file and templates to database...COMPLETED

Configuring templates from all of the product tops...
        Configuring AD_TOP........COMPLETED
        Configuring FND_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring ICX_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring IEO_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring ABM_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring ECX_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring BIS_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring GL_TOP........COMPLETED
        Configuring AMS_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring CCT_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring WSH_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring CLN_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring OKE_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring OKL_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring OKS_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring CSF_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring XNC_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring IGS_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring IBY_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring PA_TOP........COMPLETED
        Configuring JTF_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring MWA_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring CN_TOP........COMPLETED
        Configuring CSI_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring WIP_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring CSE_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring EAM_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring IMT_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring FTE_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring ONT_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring AR_TOP........COMPLETED
        Configuring AHL_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring OZF_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring IES_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring CSD_TOP.......COMPLETED
        Configuring IGC_TOP.......COMPLETED

AutoConfig completed successfully.
The log file for this session is located at: /apps01/applprod/prodappl/admin/prod_ravi/log/10131401/adconfig.log
[applprod@ravi prod_ravi]$

Errors & Solutions:

Starting AutoConfig at Thu Sep  3 19:41:59 2015
Using version 120.26.12010000.5

        Classpath                   : /data1/OBAAPPS/apps/apps_st/comn/java/lib/

Starting Utility to Report Version Conflicts at Thu Sep 03 19:42:10 IST 2015
Using version 120.3


[ AD_TOP ]

Template shipped by oracle is having a version different than the template lying in custom directory.
Template shipped by Oracle : /data1/OBAAPPS/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/admin/template/APPLSYS_ux.env(version: 120.29.12010000.7)
Custom template            : /data1/OBAAPPS/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/admin/template/custom/APPLSYS_ux.env(version: 120.29.12010000.3)
Please resolve the differences between the two templates or refer to Metalink Note 387859.1 for further details.

All driver files processed.
Version Conflicts among development maintained and customized templates encountered; aborting AutoConfig run.

The logfile for this session is located at: /data1/OBAAPPS/inst/apps/OBA_our12-test/admin/log/09031941/adconfig.log


cp -rp /data1/OBAAPPS/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/admin/template/APPLSYS_ux.env /data1/OBAAPPS/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/admin/template/custom/APPLSYS_ux.env