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godaddy domain not working without www?

(1) Google

To Redirect your domain to your website.
You will need to be sure to complete the setup on the google account side.
  • Go to your GoDaddy Domain Manager and access that domain's DNS.
  • Create a new CNAME entry.
  • Enter the subdomain name, for example, "www".
  • Type in the HOST name "", this will point your URL to your Google site.
  • Create a forwarding command below the DNS listings in this GoDaddy account
  • Forward your domain to itself. For example, should be forwarded to (Do not choose masking for this forward.)
  • This should create a forwarding IP address in the A record of the DNS.
Please allow 24-48 hours for any changes to your DNS to propagate globally.

(2) AWS

Using AWS Amplify with GoDaddy and I configured my DNS records with these two entries to get it working.

  • Type Name Data
CNAME * dk************
  • Initially I only had the www entry which is why it wasn't working for me.
To test it make sure you open an incognito or private browser window to remove caching.